
Here you will find MacICT’s papers, articles, publications and curated resources on a wide variety of ICT themes.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing, BYOD, Google Apps and Office 365 are all important for today’s classroom. Learn more about how you can utilise these tools to collaborate with colleagues and create a deeper learning experience for students.

NSW Department of Education Resources

Google Apps for Education at NSW DoE

Access to a range of Google Apps including Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drive and more are now available to all NSW Department of Education staff, teachers and students from the portal. Not sure where to start? Here’s some introductory information from the DoE Intranet. Read more…

Further resources

  • Google Apps Support Site – This support site contains videos, guides and links to assist with the use of all Google Apps. This should be your first port of reference for assistance with Google Apps.

Office 365 for Education at NSW DoE

Access to a range of Microsoft Office cloud apps including Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneNote, OneDrive and more are now available to all NSW Department of Education staff, teachers and students from the portal. Not sure where to start? Here’s some introductory information from the DoE Intranet. Read more…

Further resources

  • Microsoft Australia NSW DoE Office365 User Guides – Information on how to use Microsoft Office 365 in the classroom.
  • Teach and learn with Microsoft – provides a starting point for teachers wanting to incorporate Microsoft’s collaborative learning tools such as Office 365 into the classroom. It provides a curated overview of available support and highlights their context for teachers and students.
  • Office 365 Learning Centre – This site provides information, quick start guides, videos and tutorials on all the key tools.
  • Office 365 Webinar Series –  NSW DoE ran 3 webinars in June 2016 to orient and show examples of best practice use of Office 365 in the department infrastructure. View the recorded sessions to learn more.
  • OneNote in the Classroom Weekly Tips – Started for the staff of Sydney Secondary College, Leichhardt Campus, the aim of this OneNote is to introduce one tip per week for using OneNote in teaching and learning.

Other web resources

Microsoft Educator Community

“Packed full of fantastic teacher resources such as lesson plans, CPD course, quick tip videos, badges, discussions and the hugely popular Skype in the Classroom virtual fieldtrips, the Microsoft Educator Community is everything a teacher needs to develop, all in one place.”   Read more…

“Cloud computing resources support collaboration, file storage, virtualization, and access to computing cycles, and the number of available applications that rely on cloud technologies has grown to the point that few education institutions do not make some use of the cloud, whether as a matter of policy or not…”

2014 Horizon Report, K-12, p. 36

A quick explaination of what the 'Cloud' is

This video is a quick and simple explaination of what is meant by the term Cloud Computing. Although made back in 2009, this video is still relevant to explain what the ‘Cloud’ means for teachers wanting to understand the concept.

Stephen Fry explains cloud computing

Is ‘Cloud Computing’ just another fad, or is it a revolution in technology? Stephen Fry explains the history of computer thinking and the revolution of utility in cloud computing in this 5 minute animation.


Need help? Ask for ideas from real communities of teachers.

NSW DoE Yammer

NSW Department of Education has a Yammer network for its staff. You can join groups, post questions, find resources and get NSW DoE specific information on a range of topics. Check out the below groups and connect with your colleagues. You’ll find a link to Yammer on the NSW DoE Staff Portal.

Microsoft Education Australia Facebook

“Discovering, highlighting and enabling innovation and achievement among students, teachers and schools.” Read more…

MacICT workshops featuring cloud computing

Beginner’s Guide to Office 365 for NSW Department of Education Schools

Introducing a range of Microsoft online tools for education.
Microsoft Office 365 is a suite of online applications and tools that enable twenty-first century productivity, sharing and collaboration. With Office 365 available to all teachers and students in NSW Department of Education schools, now is an excellent time to become familiar with the tools and explore how they can best be used to enhance learning in your classroom.

Keywords: Digital Learning Design, Digital Literacy, Collaboration.

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Beginner's Guide to Google Apps for Education

Introducing Docs, Sheets, Slides and Drive.
With Google Apps available to all teachers and students in NSW Department of Education schools, now is an excellent time to become familiar with the tools and explore how they can best be used to enhance learning in your classroom.

Keywords: Digital Learning Design, Digital Literacy, Collaboration

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Leading Learning in a Technology Rich Environment

During this two-day course, participants will explore key concepts, models, and examples of leading and learning in technology rich environments. Participants experience immersive learning within a cross-platform environment that utilises tablets, laptops, smartphones and current Cloud tools, drawing on these experiences to develop a Technology Rich Toolkit for their school.

Keywords: BYOD, Cloud Computing, Creativity, Design, Digital Literacy.

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