When students are put in the role of designers rather than mere consumers of their technology, it provides an authentic context for effective learning using a constructivist approach that promotes inquiry learning through deconstructing, designing and building games. Through the process of designing and building, students take on the role of a game designer.  Allowsing them to combine their prior knowledge as game players with understandings of good game design. Conceptual risk taking is rewarded and meaningful connections are made with relevant learning from other subject areas.

The teachers we have worked with in the area of game design have really highlighted the fact that not only does game design allow students to explore traditional areas of the curriculum such as narrative in new ways but it also build students’ interest and confidence.  <

From playing to building.

The process of understanding and applying the principles of good game design to student created games can not only improve students’ collaboration and problem solving skills, but also lay foundations for deep learning, innovation and change in 21st century classrooms.