As part of the research for a number of different projects we will be assessing what students learn as a result of designing interaction and participation. This means we must consider
Digital Literacy is a multi-faceted thing. It includes traditional concepts of:
- Talking
- Listening
- Reading
- Writing
For example is using Edmodo style microblogging more like reading and writing or more like talking and listening? What are the sub-skills that students have to learn to adapt technology to meet communication needs? What are the naunces of technology selection (ICT fluency), emotional literacy (designing interaction) and how do these concepts work together to make meaning?
Myself and one of our project teachers Kate discussed the assessment of student created learning objects. The LAMS object that the student had designed involved other students looking at instructional videos designed to teach a different type of software. The student had provided captions for the videos but our discussion was around the fact that narration would have made the learning experience much easier for the learner – thus satisfying the design objective.
When would we expect students to understand the human interaction with their technology designs and then make complex judgements that ensure their designs meet the objectives they set for themselves. What is the continum of development that enables students to design interactions for each other?
So far lots of questions. In our assessment research session I would like to uncover further the opportunities and challenges of assessing student designed interactions.