MacICT is excited to be involved in the DEC 1:1 Learning Unconference. At MacICT our work encourages listening, sharing, collaborating on authentic projects so this unconference is a perfect opportunity for us to get inspired and build collegial networks.

MacICT will be involved in the conference in a number of ways:

  • Our  Game 2 Design team will be running a Facilitated Discussion.   Share ideas and discuss aspects of Students as Game Designers in your classroom. This will be an enlightening session which may dramatically change your perspective on the role of games in learning.
  • Our Mobile Learning team will also be running a Facilitated Discussion. Discuss the reasons for using mobile technology for learning and different ways to use the technology.  We will also discuss the best way to incorporate mobile learning in different subjects.
  • The ARIS game takes players for a tour around Darling Harbour where they converse with virtual characters, collect objects and rewards, and learn about the history of the area while playing.
  • The Sustainability Challenge uses QR codes created using Kaywato guide players around the Darling Harbour Convention and Exhibition Centres, learning about what is and what is not sustainable about the buildings. Players must make comments on the MacICT crowd blog about what is sustainable, or suggestions for how to make the buildings more sustainable.
  • Come play with a Robot.   They can be a  fun, easy and versatile learning tools.  Robots are engaging for kindergarten students through to adults.  You’ll have the opportunity to learn to use a Robot and participate in some fun activities.
  • Do you have an idea for a really innovative teaching and learning activity? Have a conversation with our Crowd team on how to take your teaching from innovative to awesome.  We will help you plan a transmedia learning activity or a participative learning game.

Really looking forward to creating learning with you over the next couple of days.